Monday, August 14, 2006

It's just like any other day

Once again, i'm sitting in the same old chair in the good old library and typing this.
I know i haven't updated in a long time so here i go.
So much has been happening what with the national day hols. and all that
but then it's all cool. :)
oh, shaf's asking me right now why i look so serious like almost constipated.
hmm, maybe cos i'm missing you.
you with that charming smile and the way you look at me like you never EVER want to blink.
maybe, we shall meet up sometime this week?
was gonna ask you over yesterday but the elders were home so since i value my head as well as your gorgeous one, i decided to not take the risk.
-where are you when i'm high?-
krap. we're supposed to be studying our butts off.
lit test tomorrow on the stupid english teacher.
honestly, it is the most boring and depressing book i have ever had the misfortune to have read.
i swear i am going to burn it to hell once O's is over. and good riddance.
oh yeah, i realised that i'm good at lecturing people.
shaf got a full 10 mins just now.
i love lecturing. in a sick sadistic kinda way.
maybe i should be a lecturer?
interesting thought.
oh yes. before it slips my mind,
chocolate sauce is the most sinful thing ever.
goodbye love.

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