Saturday, August 26, 2006

Take me as I am

Well, i just read those tags posted on my tagboard.
interesting food for thought.
anyway, i'm not going to waste any time defending myself or what I said.
i've just got this to say:
I am who i am and hell, if you can't take that, that is unfortunately your loss.
Thing is, i've gotten much worse shit than that and i've learned not to let it affect me.
swallow the meat and not the bones. :)
I know who i am and my friends know who i am and that's good enough for me.
though, i got a feeling i know who you might be 'cool'.
I got a very good feeling who you are but hey, i'll let you have the benefit of the doubt huh?
anyway, i've always said that I tend to read too much between the lines.
I'm taking a tiny break from studying. Been studying since 5 or something and my brain is exhausted from trying to cramp Venice into my brain cells.
You know, everytime i think of brain cells and memory, i think of those grey metal filing cabinets filled with loads of files.
then anytime you want to extract a memory, the right drawer will open and a file will emerge and you get your memory.
heh. weird. but then, that's just me.
I've got a couple of shout outs to a couple of people:
Xin Min: Hey girl. Don't be afraid. I know what it's like to have to depend on meds for a long period of time. But look at it this way, if it makes you better, go for it. it's a huge step to take and i know you hate to go back to that goddamn sterile place but really, let the doctors give you something to help. you'll get better so much faster.all the best darling. much love from me.
Nadia: Hey darling! it's been such a long time since we talked. I know it's kinda hard with our schedules being the way they are, but we should try meet up sometime. I know you've got a hell lot going on in there and hey, its not good keeping it in kay. I know we generally don't talk about that kinda stuffs but i want you to know that i'm here for you if you ever need me. take care. much love from me.
Shasha: Thanks girl for making me feel better. you really are a gem! geez, i wonder what i would do without people like you to colour my life. heh.and hey! you still owe me lunch and coffee. after my o's yeah? :) take care. Love ya to bits gorgeous.
that's all i gotta say.
night all. Sail into the unknown in your dreams.
and hey, reach out for the stars.

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