Monday, August 21, 2006

Remember the pain and stay with it

Have you ever wondered why relationships just fall apart?
I mean you could have something really special with someone. Something only both of you share.
The depth of which noone else will understand.
And i suppose that's when your relationship points are a 100%, rather like in Sims.
But then again, what went wrong?
The solution is simple really.
More often than not, we all forget this common enemy we all have - Time.
There's this saying by Stephen King: "Time takes it all, whether you want it to or not. Time takes it all, time bears it away, and in the end there is only darkness. Sometimes we find others in that darkness, and sometimes we lose them there again."
So my point is: "Time takes it all whether we want it to or not."
Because of time, even the closest of relationships fall apart and disintegrate and thus "in the end there is only darkness"
And why is this so?
we humans, fail to realise that it matters not how much time you spend together. Friendship and especially love, is not defined in that way.
Just because you stay together with someone, doesn't mean that your relationship with said person is going well.
What is more important is the substance. What is the point of being in constant company with each other but substance, the most important ingredient of any relationship is reduced to taking about guys and their various distinctive antomies?
My point is, take the time to tell each other about ordinary things for even ordinary things can turn extraordinary.
And if you keep on searching for things to talk about, as in wonder what to talk about, you will never find it.
Don't search for it. Let it come naturally.
If you force something to occur, it is not sincere.
That unfortunately is a lesson we all have to learn.
So to all those whose relationships are rocky or fading away, take steps to get it back.
Before it fades away and is gone forever.
regretting then is pointless.
So before it slips through your fingers, snatch it safely and hold on.
Just imagine that person whose realtionship you have with supposedly dies tomorrow.
What would you feel?
Do you feel that pain?
that horrible pain that claws at your insides and tears you up inside.
now, stay with the pain.
someone once told me that pain is good if you learn to use it to your own advantage.
Why let something control you?
Are we staying with the pain?
imagine the regret you feel. if only you had taken steps to ensure that your relationship never slipped away.
but then it'll be too late right?
so my point is, if you ever doubt a relationship or most importantly a friendship, remember that pain and stay with it.
It'll help you remember what you will stand to lose cos fact is, in life,nothing lasts forever and you never know when it may be taken away from you.
wow. i sound so deep.
hmm, i hope i've made things for those in question.
trust me, you do NOT want to learn it the hard way like me.
toodles loves.
and a shoutout to one special person : Muhammad Baihaqi Ilham Bin Muhammad Wan Hakim.
Bie, i love you.
good night stars.

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