Thursday, September 14, 2006

And he's back in the game

It's 9.21 and i just got home roughly an hour ago.
Lit paper just now went better than i expected owing to the fact that i didn't study.
it was okay though.
partly because i didn't expect the British education system to come out since we've totally exhausted the topic in class.
But, to my utter surprise, it came out.
I could definately hear the sighs of relief all around me.
Renee was actually exclaiming "yes!" and shaking her fist in the air as though she just won the hundred-meter dash.
The unseen sucked though.
I somehow got the feeling that Mrs. Loe set the set text question and Mrs. Hoe set the unseen.
It's kinda typical of her to spring something that unexpected on us.
so then came the moment for the outing.
You could say that it was fun.Another "wow". :)
I thoroughly enjoyed watching shaf panic and turn into a nervous wreck the moment we were dismissed from the hall.
Both of them, being naz and farihin who i'm learning to call in, were supposed to be outside school at the famed TKGS bustop on Haig road at exactly 1 pm.
Since we had to make a detour to the main gate to get our asses out of school, we arrived at the bustop at around 1.30.
no sign of them. not even a shadow.
Naturally, we called and were told they just reached Paya Lebar and were walking to the bustop in question.
But, being them, they got lost and we wasted half an hour walking back and forth from Haig road to Dunman road trying to find them.
When we did find the two goons, tempers as well as the temperature was sky high.
So we got on the bus and walked to East Coast.
Sat down at the food court according to Shaf's sitting plan.
Ate western food then we just chilled at a corner of the park.
Naz was singing and krapping as usual.
I have a good feeling that he's made an enemy in shaf cos' he kept on teasing her and in.
Then we walked to Parkway Parade since both of them have never been there due to the fact that they're west side boys.
Then since it was running late, we decided to head home.
And, being the perfect gentlemen, both of them decided to send us home.
Shaf and in were listening to my iPod and me and naz were just sitting.
(yeah. i can hear you thinking "yeah right" but hey, we're on the bus you know.)
then suddenly in turned to naz;
"Naz. uh...6 years ah. we together ah."
"Oh...So 6 years than ehem 3 months?"
"Yup. Then together register ah."
"haha...ok ok. then after that 9 months ah. same hospital. same operation theatre. side by side."
"Yup. heh."
Honestly. lolz. i was laughing my ass off but shaf didn't get it.
So no more mention of the topic although me and naz kept throwing both of them covert looks.
then, we passed by Changi General Hospital.
"Naz. That's the hospital."
"Nope. I don't want. Gleanagles."
"Shit ah. expensive."
"if you want budget version, go back kampung ah. free. mak bidan ader."
Such bright guys but so full of nonsense and krap.
Anyway, me and naz have got a bet going on about those two.
and bie, i've got a feeling i'm going to win and you're going to owe me a movie treat.
I've just got this to say to in; "hey. you're back in the game."
All the best.


Anonymous said...

hey.. refering to that 'naz' in that post.. which naz are u refering to?
im naz.. nazirul muzakir.. : )

Anonymous said...

once u have read dis comment.
beep me at 83738997. pls..