Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Thank You

I know I'm supposed to be studying.
Yes bie i know you want me to focus and study my ass off.
But, right now, my brain really can't take in anymore about any kind of war and political reforms and whatnot.
so the hols just flew by.
and before i could properly grasp it, it slipped through my fingers.
I had one hell of a time yesterday.
Yup i acknowledged that my feet is suffering from the mother of all blisters and it's aching like shit. (the effects of trying to walk from the esplanade to orchard via fort canning park.Yes, i know the government created transportation systems like the MRT for a reason but we just wanted to walk)
all of that is worth every single second of the day i had with you yesterday.
The only word i can think of to describe yesterday is "wow" and actually, that's not even a word.
anyway, my purpose blogging today is to thank all the people that have been in my life.
Thank you to:
Ibu, for teaching me the meaning of life and how to smile
Ayah, for teaching me how to face the world head on and how to be a better person
Ira, my darling sister for everything and every night you stayed awake listening to me
Nazirul Muzakir, for showing me true love and for loving me with all your heart and soul
Shasha, my sister from another mother
Abg Wan, my SOS and my life saver
Raihan, my telepathic best guy friend
Afiq, my long lost big brother
Nadia, my closest cousin ever
Shafiqah, my pillar of strength
'Asyura, my confidant and longest friend
Albaniah, my very own Dolby surroud sound loudspeaker and my colour pencil
Syazana, my queen of sarcasm and my first saviour
Nashitah, my hazel-eyed princess and the friend that knows me most
Amirah, my ray of sunshine and another friend that knows me the most
Safinaz, my chill-out-to-music radiohead fanatic buddy
Farhana, my hyper driven one of a kind feline friend
Zawani, my blur yet so all knowing friend and my pull back to earth during that monday on the stairs
Beatrice, my bitching partner and in-built entertainment system
Gerry, my fellow Torres lover and my ink and paper twin
Abby, my hug-you-tight-until-you-die classmate
and everyone else that i might have missed out.
I love all of you and i can't imagine my life without any of you.
toodles love.

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