Thursday, September 21, 2006

Strange as it seems

Finally. Finally all the major papers are past.
Prelims is finally coming to a close after more than a month.
Of course the end of prelims spells the start of a very short-lived celebration by practically
every single one of the sec. 4s.
it's like what ms. lui said, if you want to enjoy, enjoy all you want now because
after the end of the weekend, there will be no more enjoying until after the big O's are over.
so to start of the start of my celebration, i went out wif Iq.
Went home first to freshen up a little and change and then headed over to causeway point to
watch a movie with him.
Being me, i made the mistake of deciding to take the train there.
Now, those who has experienced doing that before will understand why i said its a mistake.
27 stops.
That's the number of stops it took to reach woodlands from pasir ris.
I reached there around 2.40 and waited for him to make his appearance.
I wasn't really nervous but somehow, i could not conjure up the image of his face in my mind.
in simpler words, i can't remember what exactly he looks like.
Then suddenly this tall,thin and fair guy materialised in front of me and grinned.
my first impression of him?
well, he doesn't look 19 for one. he looks about 16 or 17 cos' he has this boyish air around him.
at least the plus point is that he's the kind of guy i get attracted to- tall and lean.
I can't stand buffed guys for some reason.
So we walked into causeway point and i'm just struck by how tall he is.
and when i say that, i mean taller then most average singaporean guys.
So we headed to cathay to get the tickets.
I was tempted to watch heart cos according to shaf, it's worth watching but then again, i didn't want to be crying my heart out in front of iq.
so i thought of watching hot jesse metcalfe in john tucker but we missed the earliest show by 15 minutes so we bought tickets for heart or rather he bought tickets for heart.
then, since he knows i haven't eaten anything since 5 in the morning, he suggested lunch at kfc.
so we had lunch and talked.
I don't know why but its pretty easy talking to him.
we never run out of topics to talk about.
So after that we went up again and went in.
Strange as it seems, we apparently were the only two watching the show.
so the show started and then 3 more people showed up so it was only 5 of us.
The show was so sad.
One of the saddest shows i've watched.
There were so many touching moments and i honestly felt like crying but i couldn't cos of iq.
besides, the cinema was too cold.
it was literally freezing.
I'm surprised both of us didn't turn to popsicles.
I was in long sleeves and wearing my converses but i could still feel the cold paralysing my veins.
iq ended up clutching my arm for warmth and there were parts that weren't funny at all but we were laughing.
and hah. he teared a little.
he offered to send me home but that's a little ridiculous cos' he would just have to go all the way back.
anyway, i had a nice was a good start to the celebration bit.
the troublr started on the way home.
i took 168 and i fell asleep and ended up in bedok.
took the train back and then realised that my ez-link card has zilch cents in it so i had to walk home.
it took a freaking half and hour.
but it's good exercise so i'm not complaining.
and iq: i don't care, you are so going to learn how to ice-skate. don't worry about falling down cos' i'm no pro either so between us, there willbe plenty of falls.
to the he-who-must-not-be-named-and-will-henceforth-cease-in-my-life mat rep,
i just have to say that i am not going to bother with the likes of you anymore.
after last night, i've seen your true colours and it disgusts me.
you're one to talk about respect when the first thing you said when i answered the phone was ;
"eh pompuan, kau asal?"
i supposed you'll like it if i call you "eh jantan"?
and your're an MCP. male chauvinist pig.
a sexist.
a player.
and goddamn contradictory.
good riddance.
Anyway, to all the sec 4 people out there, happy enjoying the end of prelims.
preservere. its only a month or so more and then the chains will be lifter and we're all gonna be free.
we can do this.
good night world.
lotsa love.
and remember,always smile.

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