Thursday, September 07, 2006

Love at first sight does exist

Whoa. The events of the past 2 days has left me reeling.
but, in a good way.
However, before i start,
a shoutout to one Muhd Baihaqi Ilham Mohd Wan Hakim:
I truly have nothing to say to you.
I realised that our relationship was just based purely on lust.
I find myself doubting whether i have ever really loved you or i was just with you because i felt good and needed.
I knew then that it's the end.
A relationship based purely on lust will never last.
So suffice to say, ours just didn't.
I can't even remember when we last had a proper conversation.
The only thing i remember is that rush of adrenalin and that whirlwind of kisses.
It's over Haqi.
I realised that you're not the one i really want.
You don't and never have appreciated me.
Sure, we had good times but it's not enough.
I want someone who will love me more than the sands on the seabed and more than the stars in the sky and more than every breath he takes.
Sure, you said you did but you never showed it.
You never got the fact that it's the little things that you do that truly matters.
somehow, my "prince charming" turned out to be a rusted tin man.
So,with that, i wish you all the best and may you find a girl who, you will love with all your heart.
please move on and stop bugging me.
Moving on, there's this poem i found on the internet that ends with the line "if you believe in love at first sight, you will never stop looking."
I never really believed in love at first sight.
until it happened to me.
I know it's strange and some people may not understand.
after all, i only got to know you 2 days ago and i've never even met you.
But, i'd like to think that it was fate that somehow made me click on your screen name in the chat room and it was also fate that made you decide to call me when you had 3 other numbers to call.
It's like you said, " sometimes feelings can appear when you least expect it and in very strange situations."
i'm still reeling.
It's just that feeling that is so hard to describe and only those who have been through it will know what i'm talking about.
As i'm typing this, i'm missing you a lot.
and it's really strange but somehow, i got a feeling you're the prince charming i've been waiting for.
I only have this to say to you:
"Cinta adalah anugerah yang kuasa.
Dan bila terasa betapa indahnya cinta pandang pertama.
Andai ku bisa, akan ku balas semua yang pernah engkau berikan.
Terima kasih dariku atas ketulusanmu menyayangi diriku."
[Love is a gift from god. And when you feel how wonderful love at first sight is.If i could, i would repay all that you have ever granted me. Thank you from me for your sincerity in loving me.]
So thank you for loving me Muhammad Nazirul Muzakir Muhammad Yusof.

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