Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The ironies of life

Once again, I am warming the same chair in the same cold library.
History exam just ended about 15 minutes ago.
It went alright by standards.
Much better than disastrous SS.
At least now i'm quite sure i can somehow scrape a pass in combined humans.
Maths earlier in the morning went much better than expected.
The paper was manageable and i found myself wishing heartily that i had bothered to put in the effort to study.
Anyway like what darling bie likes to say, "Let bygones be bygones."
Oh yay. tomorrow is Thursday.
Please let everything be alright so i can meet you tomorrow.
Plus, Shaf is all excited to meet Farihin.
Strange isn't it.
Of all the people on alamak chat. She happened to meet the close friend of Naz.
yup. I like to think that fate has a hand in all these.
Speaking of fate, irony is closely tied with fate.
Take this convo between me and Naz.
Randomly saying; "I hate mats and minahs."
"U...I'm a mat."
Oh dear god. I fell in love with a mat. a mat rep somemore.
I know all those who know me will see the humour in this.
Since, i make my sentiments on mats and minahs known to one and all.
This is what you call the irony of life.

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