Monday, September 25, 2006

Sugar-coated and covered in chocolate

It's already 3.57.
Gotta be getting home soon or i'm gonna be late for buker.
Hope my mum whips up something delish today.
Anyway, i'm at one end of the abysmal row of computers in the school library and those 3 goons are at the other end and laughing their ass off.
Kind of nice to get some alone space without having shaf poke me in the ribs every five minutes or so.
I'm desperately trying to ignore the chilling cold travelling throuh the veins of my fingers, wrapping itself layer by layer over my bones.
I really think the air-con is on too low.
or maybe it's just me.
noone else around me seems to be suffering the effects of severe frostbite.
I'm in a very reflective mood today.
there's quite a tornado ravaging through my brain.
there's just so much i want to say but then i don't want to overkill and besides, don't think my fingers will permit anything lengthy.
Something someone said to me last night right before i close my eyes hit a little nerve i didn't even know existed.
Yet, i admit, what said person told me is full of truth.
which incidentally was the subject in question.
I learned the hard way that i must always tell the truth.
sure, we all lie but sometimes, a small white lie can turn huge in the blink of an eye.
and that's when you'll be struggling to find a foothold just to keep up with the small little white lie that has morphed into something so huge you barely can believe it.
and then of course there's always the problem that even you will start to believe your own lies.
and trust me when that happens, it's gonna be damn hard to extract the fact from fiction.
Then you'll find yourself living a lie through your teeth and in the end, when it all gets too much(supposing that this happens)
you'll struggle to define the real truth in the first place.
and you fight like shit to keep the lie going.
According to the experts, that's what pathological and serial liars do.
the extreme at which they go to keep their lies going is surprising yet chillingly believable. (but that's the point right?)
my point it that if you have to even travel to other countries and send letters home attached with documents of various acheivements, there is seriously something wrong.
And i suppose the unintended consequence behind this is that you not only deceive your loved ones but technically, you're also deceiving yourself.
And that's just not on.
I'm thinking that in the end, it all comes down to trust.
The fact is that even if you take the effort to sugar-coat and cover your words in chocolate, if people don't trust you, nothing you ever say is going to be taken in by them.
and that is a sad fact.
moral of the story?
Don't abuse the trust someone has granted you because it may take forever for the person to trust you again.
enough on the subject for now.
shall explore the depths at which the topic can be exploited at a later time.

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