Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Bad habits result in self-drug graves

Just got back science mcq results today.
it hit me in a moment of self-realisation that i can make it if i put in the effort.
of course there's also the carelessness in the equation but that's something everyone faces so i can't really do much except read the question 3 times before concluding an asnwer.
So in full spirit of my renewed motivation, which had died down due to the end of prelims,
i did notes on cells and as what i did for SS and history, stapled it on my bio book which is incidentally falling apart even as i am typing this.
I am filled with a sense of satisfaction and pride for managing to complete 1 chapter.
yes i know cells is the most basic thing which every bio student worth his salt ought to know
but it just felt good.
so just allow me this small chance to seep myself in this good feeling.
Recently,i got a lot of requests from people to change the way i live my life and ditch some of my bad habits.
namely reading all that fanfiction involving guy on guy relationships and everything of that sort.
and chatting too much in chat rooms.
yup. basically that's it.
well, i can only say that i'm happy with the way i'm living my life currently.
i know it's not perfect but i'm not striving for perfection.
what's important to me is that i live my life to the fullest and enjoy every single minute god grants me breath.
Yes there are still things i do that i shouldn't be doing because it's technically ruining me.
But honestly, the bad habits i have now is nothing compared to what i used to do not more than 6 months ago.
i stopped my long "friendship" with self-mutilation.
it took a long time but i am fully over it now.
i stopped overdosing on my migraine pills.
i stopped basically harming myself.
And that to me is a huge change.
they were bad habits that most certainly resulted in a self-dug grave.
and i've quit them.
so you'll have to excuse me if i'm not going to stop reading fanfictions or chatting in chat rooms.
i am fully aware that they are bad habits but they are so inferior when compared to the bad habits i gave up.
and i don't plan on giving up these inferior bad habits anytime soon.
so suck it up or simply just take your leave.
Sidenote: Hady won Singapore Idol! i am extremely elated he won and i admit i was shocked when gurmit announced his name cos' there was the whole rumour going around that Hady was lacking in the votes.But wow, he got goddamn 70% of the votes! Congrats to him. He does have more talent and the x-factor essential in an idol not to mention the looks and charm to supprt that. And apparently it doesn't hurt that he has rich fans, namely people like nirosha who voted 100 times. that is just utterly crazy.
Last sidenote: Whatever gave people the idea that i am in love? its so absurd and preposterous that its laughable. yes i was in love but now? i think i'm more out of love.

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