Thursday, July 05, 2007

The birth and death of the day

Today is another perfect example of a paradigm shift.
I'm starting to get used to all the paradigm shifts.
Seems like they're a part of JC life.
Still, that doesn't mean it hurts any lesser.

My day started out pretty well.
I was hyper due to my consumption of coffee early in the morning.
The day went without much event, with all of us being extra loud and bubbly and talkative and all, even without 5 of our classmates.
As usual, on thursdays, my group has PW meetings.
So we booked a discussion room and got started.
Until unexpectedly, ain popped into the room, asking if we know where Ms Charles is.
Seeing as how nad had her number, ain msged Ms Charles with nad's phone.
We pretty much didn't pay attention to ain's conversation until she said;
"I'll be studying somewhere else."
Still, we denied any insinuations Li brought up after ain left and tried not to admit that we were all shaken.
Until nad checked her sent box.
Even then, all 5 of us still continued to deny the fact that ain was withdrawing from IJC at that very moment.
Thinking she just meant she'd be withdrawing at the end of the year like she said she would but she just needed Ms Charles to sign her withdrawal form now.
So we continued with our PW.
Then ain popped in again.
and said; "I have something to inform you guys."
I swear my heart just stopped beating for that few seconds before she confirmed that she really had withdrawn.
Obviously all of us were stunned and we asked her where she was going (New York) and all that.
We hugged her goodbye and she left.

It just hit me that I will never see ain again.
Her withdrawal takes effect from tomorrow onwards and today was her last day in school.
She just walked out of my life.

I'm not close to her, none of us were because she hangs out with the soccer girls.
But I still feel the loss.
And its even more painful because she withdraw as she couldn't take the stress of the education system.
Still, I'm thankful that she at least said goodbye to the 5 of us even though she had a choice to just walk away.
I don't blame her for not informing the class.
If I was ever in her position,
I'd do the same thing.
Just walk away because if I say goodbye, I won't have the heart to leave all the wonderful friends I've made.
Ain wasn't as close to me and I still feel the loss quite badly, I can't imagine what will happen if anyone of the people I'm close with leaves.

And to think that mere hours before I found out about ain's withdrawal, I was perfectly content and in control.
Ain, I'll miss you. wishing you all the best. take care.

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