Sunday, July 22, 2007

Conflicted is a good word to describe it

Qhye-Rule Khan...says:
u if i want u it possible?
neurasthenia says:
are you just saying that cos you feel bad?
Qhye-Rule Khan... says:
no...coz i love u...seriously
neurasthenia says:
how am i suppose to know that you're not going to back out next week or whenever?
Qhye-Rule Khan...says:
coz i wont turn my back on u anymore
neurasthenia says:
dont promise me anything else anymore
neurasthenia says:
prove to me.
Qhye-Rule Khan...says:
neurasthenia says:
prove to me that I can trust you and that you trust me and you won’t turn your back on me
neurasthenia says:
only when you prove to me than i'll give you my answer
Qhye-Rule Khan...says:
ok...ill do my best

Qhye-Rule Khan...says:

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