Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Don't you dare let me give up on you

This past week and a half has been trying for me.
In the emotional sense.
It's been pretty rocky.
But for everytime I think of you, there's always someone who can make me smile again.
Being around my friends here in IJC has lessen the blow a lot; helping me to forget the pain that sometimes invades and encroaches without warning.
Life was great before knowing all of them, but now life is even better.
They've helped me through thick and thin, given me space when I needed a time out, listened without judgement and with so much patience, showed me how to laugh when I needed to destress and made me smile when a smile seemed impossible.
They've saved me from complete self-destruction, injected strength into my veins when I was weak and lifted me up when I hit the ground.
When I fall, they're there to catch me, placing me back on solid ground safely.
That's why I know, they're all sisters, for me.

Sygku(s), I can't express enough thanks to all of you for being there for me this past week and half.
Shafiqah, the twin sister I never had
Afiqah, my one and only namesake
Nadiah, the colour to my world
Liyana, my pillar of strength
Nazurah, my confidante who understands
Khairin, a real friend like no other
Namira, my spastically inclined deep thinker
Ying Ling, my in-built life support babe
Vanitha, my non-violent gangster

Thank you.

Not forgetting also;
Albaniah Zakila, my crayon and loudspeaker, thank you for being there that monday.
Fadhilah Adlina, my SOS and cintaku, thank you for being there always.

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