Saturday, July 14, 2007

The crowning evil is love itself

I skipped school yesterday.
Not because I wanted to.
I just couldn't find the strength to get up.
Went to the clinic and then off to study at tampines library.
I studied a bit before realising I needed a more stronger distraction.
So I decided to head over to CS and watch Harry Potter.
I don't generally watch movies alone but I just felt like it so I just did.
It did distract me somewhat, depends on your definition of distraction.
Somehow I felt totally detached while watching the movie.
surreal. yes.that's the word.
After the movie I met Dilah for a quick while.
Avoided talking about it.
I suppose she was waiting for me to bring it up.
Were you?

The doctor says I lack sleep.
How am I supposed to sleep when you keep on invading my thoughts?
Filling my mind with question after question until it becomes this undecipherable mess.
I can't separate the fine threads that wind around me, choking me.
It's so easy for me to find the answers I need to give me sound proof.
But I don't want to do that.
At least not yet.
I want to give you the benefit of the doubt.
I want to do that so much.
So for now, I'll just leave my heart in cold ice.

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