Monday, July 02, 2007

But as silver linings go, that's more like pewter

Since today was a holiday, I went out again.
Went to meet nad and li and PS where we went to the haagen dasz headquarters so that nad could return her uniform.
Then we walked to far east so they could eat before heading over to gelatissimo for ice cream.
Then I hurried off to pasir ris to meet dilah and bani.
As usual, when those 2 are present, loser moments are ubiquitous.
korg dua slenger sak.

School starts again tomorrow and I'm so not in the mood.
Plus tomorrow's my longest day.
Hopefully there's no debate so I can go home with everyone else at 5 instead of at 9.

And I'm hoping that I can meet you tomorrow.
It's been two weeks and I'm missing you damn badly, it's really not funny.
I'm schooling in woodlands which you have to pass every day to go home.
But as silver linings go, that's more like pewter.

Yesterday and today was a time for cracks.
Trust breeds mutual understanding, the kind of understanding that needs no words to be expressed with.
The kind that has silence as its core.
It's one of the beauty of friendships; of which you share many different kinds with different people.
But the friendship I share with you means a lot to me.
Simply because there is so much I never say but which you just somehow know.
There are things that I can never tell anybody but you still know anyway.
And that's seriously cool shit.
Cos with you, I never have to put up as many walls.
And that is like seriously great cos I don't have to use as much concrete.
I treasure the fact that you play along with me whenever you need to
just so that I can feel better, when in actual fact we both get the big picture.
I may not say it often but really,
makasih cintaku.
I just realised this is so like mushy emo jiwang shit.
Here's to more years months days hours minutes seconds.

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