Saturday, July 07, 2007

In Lit class

My last post was pretty melancholic and sad so I shall post about some of the lighter stuff that happened this week.
Vani wrote a great post to describe one of the incidents that happened in school.
(before ain withdraw that is)
So I'm gonna quote her blog.

[During Lit class on wednesday]
Ms Nathan : Well, There are a lot of sexual references in this book. I’ve been accused of talking a lot about sex. But I’m really a very shy person in nature.
Haha, Biggest joke of the day
So she started off the sex topic of the day. Well, like everyday routine, we head to the gal’s toilet after lit.
Man, what can I say, it was anything and everything abt sex. All the books of different genres came out, Lasse’s favorite was ROMEO, which she recommended as the best sex book ever. On my part I recommended James patterson’ books to them. Well, Its not a sex book kay. Its just good homicide stories with a touch of sexual references. Fi loves the fanfictions about gays. Nami and Fiqah, well their actions speak louder than words. Or maybe sounds in particular. Hahah. they’re bloody horny larh! Its just so entertaining to watch them all in action. It didn’t really help that we went to OCS with all the muscle guys arnd. Girls will be always girls!
Okay, now stop where u are, its pure harmless fun okay. All these girls are so cheeky and sassy. That’s the most appealing thing abt them. Fi was telling me abt life in tkgs. Her experiences seem so delightful. Now since I’m in a class with 17 gals, maybe I can get a pinch of her experiences?All these girls have such inimitable personalities but can get along so perfectly! They’re such wonderful ppl, I’m so glad to have met them.

In my defence, it was all Ms. N fault.
I remember vani was shaking her head at everyone.
such a poor thing.
And I still remember Ying Ling's reaction the first ever time Ms N mentioned sexual connotations.
Naturally me and shaf got it since we've been brought up with a pure lit background and was from an all girls scool.
I love lit lessons. such pure love.

neurasthenia says: eh, you also better not withdraw ah.
vanitha says: don't worry la..I won't.. I will take a million summer tests to meet people like you guys.

I hate the number 18. 18 does not go with 0734A. I love 19. It should always be 19.

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