Friday, March 07, 2008

I didn't mean to get so close

I love walking home when it's just turning dark cos everytime I look up, I see the stars.
It makes me smile and gives me a cheap mood lift.

Boy, let's go star gazing on the hood of your car again kay?
I wanna believe I can fly away, past the stars to reach the milky way. :)

Lo and behold, its the march holidays.
Time's really flying past this year.
I have no idea where the past months have gone.
Most probably whizzing past when I was blinking.
Before I know it, it'll be october and A level time. -_-

I can't get myself to fully believe that 2 papers have already passed.
Where did my day go?
One minute I was about to sit for GP in the morning and the next minute I'm here in my rooom, typing this.
Well, GP was an okay paper I guess.
I just didn't have time to complete it and thus screwed up my AQ in the process.
Nothing new there. I'm kinda getting used to scoring below 3 for the AQ.
Malay was okay.
The bahasa paper was normal-ish. Another NE lesson on Singapore again. heh.
I didn't focus on Hasnah's character which came out for sastera (thanks to Nad's constant predictions that it will) but I think I still managed to pull off a fairly decent answer.
Just hope I get through both papers okay.

I need to find my reason for this journey again.
Something more to believe in.

I had a dream last night.
That's already weird in itself cos I normally don't get dreams when I sleep.
This time, I had a pretty vivid dream.
And like all my dreams, they featured us back when we meant the world, back before life and time got in the way.
My dream's all muddled though and I can't really make out the whole story line.
All I know is that you're there and it was just like the old times.
Strange how almost every dream I've had since then features you.
Regardless, I don't need a dream expert to tell me that subconciously, I miss you like fuck.
And subconciously, I wonder what it would have been like if things didn't go just the way it is now.

If I ever see you again, I'll give you a tight hug so I can remember what it feels like when you hold me in your arms.

But for right now, I'll just miss you.

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