Friday, March 21, 2008

If only for a fraction of a second

And finally, finally the block tests are over!
I am so hugely relieved that one major obstacle in this hell-like journey is over.
I can't say for sure that I'll get through the rest of the year unscathed but I'm just content to live for the moment right now.
Don't think I'm making much sense. -_-
I guess that's what happens when you read a whole load of potent SuJu fanfics at one go; you get significantly incoherent.

Lit went much better than I expected given the fact that I only read through the notes and the guidebook and the fact that I spent the whole morning before the paper, rushing to complete an overdue lit essay.
For one, I actually managed to complete the whole paper and still somehow got all my ideas across even though some may be in a rather incoherent and haphazard way.
I'm just really glad that I completed the bloody paper.
It's a miracle that I did actually cos I only had 30 minutes left to write a logical essay for DOM and that is inclusive of the time used to annotate the context question that I chosen to do.
I have no idea how I managed to squeeze in all my ideas and in the limited time limit and still managed to write 3 pages.
Still, the good thing is that I finished the paper. :)
But the bad thing is that, because I wrote so much and so fast, my arm is hurting, especially my wrist area which is really being a huge pain in the ass right now.
Well, at least its not numb like how it was right after the paper. heh.

There's a whole lot more I want to say but my hand is killing me.
(hence giving me a more stronger reason why I should continue reading the fanfics cos they will not put any additional stress on my "injured" wrist. heh.)
I'll probably post again tomorrow.

He is so still and quiet that I wonder if he's even breathing. He seems intent on waiting, all the cells in his body dedicated to just patiently waiting. Seconds passed, followed by minutes and then a full hour, and still he doesn't stir. I stare at him, just across the room from me, miles away but feet apart.

Finally I dare myself to speak.

"What are you waiting for?"

It takes him a moment to reply.

"For our hearts to fall in love."

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