Sunday, March 16, 2008

You can be my keeper

And just like that, the holidays have suddenly ended.
Maths and History tomorrow.
I know for a fact that I'm going to screw up Maths.
I just don't know to what extent I'm going to screw it up.
Highly likely a very large extent.
As for history, I'm still struggling to complete the last bits of the Indo-Pakistani War.
I hope I can manage to finish it all by 10pm so I can look thorough all my notes.
I'm thinking of pulling an all nighter but sleeping during the maths paper tomorrow isn't an option that mdm C will allow me to do.
So maybe I'll just stay up till 2 or 3 in the morning.
With the aid of coffee of course.
Thank god I get two days off after tomorrow so I can afford to lose some sleep.

I'm somehow getting more and more disillusioned as the days go by.
Maybe it's just a side effect of JC life.

And I'm still debating with myself on whether I should tell my mum about what I found out 2 days ago.
I know I promised not to tell anyone but its not exactly the kind of thing that should be kept hushed.
My mum and the rest of the family is going to know in the end anyway.
And there's this small part inside me that's telling me I can use that to get close to my mum again, even if its for only a few minutes as I'm telling her.
Pathetic I know, but I'll give anything. anything just to get it back with her.
Sometimes, I really wish she didn't take up her new job.
Cos if increasing the family's financial situation means losing that bond with my mum, I'd rather we remain caught up in debt instead.

On another note, I had a very nice night with Dilah yesterday.
She crashed for a few hours and we spent it talking, random things here and there of course.
I love how I can talk with her about anything and everything.
And I love how I can only seem to have really deep conversations with her.
You know, the kinds of conversation that gets you thinking way after it actually happens.

In life, people walk in and out of your life all the time.
It's a fact of life. Cruel, yes. But still a fact nonetheless.
And no matter how much you try to prevent it, you just can't.
Still, the reality is that no matter how many legions of people walk in and out of your life,
only a certain few, maybe just one or two, that really leave their footprints stamped all over your heart.
And these people?
They should be the ones that you fight like hell to keep.

I'm eternally thankful that I've got a chance to know people like that.
Keepers, for as long as God permits me to keep them.

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