Saturday, March 01, 2008

With 60 seconds left

I spent the day lazing around with a book.
Was running a slight fever so I wasn't too inclined to do anything else.
It was nice really.
I forgot how it felt like to just curl up under the covers and indulge in the pages of a good book.
How I wish I can do that more often.
I did 13 weeks worth of vocab exercises after I took some panadol.
I must admit that it gets very addictive after a while.
Other than being something fun for me to do, I'm also preparing for the GP paper on friday.
I was not at all keen to immerse myself in the plethora of words that makes up the Oxford dictionary though.
In other words, I do not want to read it to improve my vocabulary like what Ying suggested.
It's so surreal that the block tests are finally here to make my life hell.
Right now, I'm just trying to stagger everything so that I can complete studying for them.
Which means I'm procrastinating my lit homework yet again, in a bid to study for GP and complete mind mapping my IH lecture notes for history.
I'm leaving the Lit mindmapping to much later since its my last paper.
And I'm sanguine enough to belive that I can start mindmapping Restu for MLL soon and also mindmap the whole set of SEA lecture notes in time for tuesday's test.

Mugging helps me to keep my mind off a lot of things.
If I try really really hard, I forget.
I guess that's why I'm really hell bent on turning myself into a nerd right now.
Hey, if it offers escapism, why not?
(kind of sad though. escapism through mugging. -_- )

Work again tomorrow.
I hope I'll be well enough to go.
Need the cash, no matter how nominal it may seem.
And I'm probably going to meet boy again tomorrow.
am I meeting you tomorrow?
pick me up after work and teman me study okay?
And dilah can probably wake me up since I think she's sleeping over later.
I miss the times when she slept over every week last year.

Time's taking away many things I'm not ready to let go yet.

I just wondered what I would say to different people if I only had 60 seconds left.
Would I just stay silent and reticent or would I fill up that meager period of time with a whole plethora of words?

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