Wednesday, March 05, 2008

To err on the bright side

I'm just going to post a very short one.
Was initially going to post some videos and pictures and such but the internet is being damn shit annoying so just plain blogging will have to do.

Went to study at Woodlands library with nad and sue. :)
I managed to read through every last page of my (binded) sastera notes. :) :)
Only got to go colour code my book and read through the notes/ mindmap them.
I'm just trying to do everything in my power to get through friday first, which means putting off my long overdue lit essays and PC analysis. haha. oops.

And Sue put me in a very good mood on the way back from north land.
(thanks love. hee)
We were spazzing and laughing like crazy losers, in the middle of nowhere, over loser and retarded and hillariously funny Super Junior antics from EHB.

At these time, I thank god for moments like that.
Moments where I laugh so hard my stomach hurts and I can't catch my breath, with tears in my eyes. :)
I think we all are in need of moments like that.

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