Thursday, March 27, 2008

I'm too exhausted to think of one.

It's only 12.15.
Pretty early by my standards but I'm already getting severely incoherent and very very zombie-ish.
I think its the effects of sleeping at 2 or 3 for the past 2 days and the workout I had just now.
Tiring shit. haha.

Today really passed by in this blur.
And its the day where I've decided will be the major turning point in my life from now on.
Life here having the meaning of my journey until A's.
I've already booked weekly consultation slots with all my teachers, with the exception of cikgu cos I haven't gotten around to doing that yet.
Maybe friday.
Anyway, I really doubt that I can fit in a slot to meet cikgu.
My weekdays are all packed either with normal school timetable or extra consultations.
Here's a look at my timetable:
Monday: Because of MLEP, I end at 5.40. and because there is no other possible slots, my GP consultation with mr yip is during all the breaks, being, 9.10 and 3.10.
Tuesday: It's the only day I end early actually but unfortunately, maths consultation starts at 2.10-3.10 and straight after that is history consultation until 4.10.
Wednesday: Lit consultation with Mdm C at 2.30-3.30. Then rush off for debate.
Thursday: sucks. seriously. extremely long day and its the day that I always starve because our lunch slot is taken up for lit tutorial. seriously.
Friday: I end early again but there's extra maths lesson at 2.

I really hope I can handle all the workload coming in with the consultations.
Since each subject consultation requires me to prepare something before hand, its going to be essay after essay.
Which amounts to 4 essays (or comprehension in GP's case) per week.
Not counting maths stuff.
And not counting normal homework and assignments.
I'm thinking that I should leave all the consultation work to saturday.
then study/revise on weekdays.
And do homework of course.
And oh ya, since I'm joining that competition quiz on bahasa and sastera, I have to hafal 230++ pages of gurindam and pepatah pepatih.
No shit.
I memorised 3 already. waaaayy lots more to go.
I think I'll just do the memorising in the mornings before school and on the bus.

Does it sound workable?
Or am I sounding like a crazy overambitious person?

I'm worried that I will crack from the stress and pressure somewhere along the term.
I think I'll ask Kak Ann to help me structure something up.
Sue's timetable can't work as well anymore with all the extra work.heh.

Crap. Tomorrow is thursday.
The new monday.
I hate thursdays. double lit at one shot is so not healthy.

I need more hours in a day.
Someone, donate me some and I'll love you forever.

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