Sunday, March 09, 2008

Let's not let time get in the way

It's going to be another cold night today.
I feel like just snuggling up in bed early and just let my thoughts drift in the dark.
But I'm too lazy to clean the pile of mess on my bed.
Cleaning it would mean cleaning all the other stuff randomly strewn all over my room anyway and I'm too lazy to do that. haha.

I just watched the relay talks super junior did among themselves.
It's a little emotionally draining cos I'm deeply touched by the strong bonds of friendship they all have.
It's one of the things I really love about them, how they care for and love each other unconditionally, how all the older ones take care of the younger ones and vice versa.
They're really amazing la. seriously.
I think after watching them, I've really come to understand friendship better, the true meaning of it.

Life just seems to be getting in the way of everything.
Sometimes I wonder what use is letting yourself be caught up with books?
What's the use of studying hard every single day for just a slip of paper and entrance to an elite world?
Or really, what's the price to pay?
I seem to be paying for it with my life; my social circle and all the moments that would make up the memories that picture my life as it is.
I can't help but think whether it's my fault sometimes.
Whether I don't put in as much effort to maintain the fragile ties of friendship I have with some people.
Is it my fault for just sitting still and watching life sweep them by?
In a way I guess it is.
There are just some friendships that have disintegrated because life got in the way and because it hurts too much for both of us to hold on the something that we know can only be a thing of the past.
I guess I'm too afraid to hold on because I know in the end, I'll have to let go.
sucks that way doesn't it?

Life's gotten the better of existing friendships too.
As much as we want to stay a part of the other's life, we can't and we just get swept away by the tides that makes up our own life.
It's not anybody's fault.
Definately not yours, nor is it mine either.
It's just the way it is.

All I can say is, for now, let's just try our best to not let time get in the way.

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