Monday, September 05, 2005


~i am a work in progress
an intricate pattern of random questions
rhythms that are not in sync
and strengths that you still haven't seen
and maybe you never will...~

Its lyk 1.30 in e morn n i still can't sleep. Insomnia? mayb...Haiz...Im tired bt eyes stubbornly won't close. Not my fault tau.

I'm bored so i've decided to ramble here since apparently EVERYONE in my godforsaken contact list happens 2 b fast asleep in lala land or apparently have offed their hp...hrmph. Okay okay fine. Exageration. I only msg n called lyk 3 ppl...Bt dats a lot okay. Reali.

Going to MP Lib tmr. 2 do wat u say? wat else? STUDY! had enuff of teachers drilling in2 my head e exams are lyk dat haf resolved myself to study till i drop dead. I mean not literally la. Its a figure of speech u noe...Speaking of which, am thinking of dropping either 1 of my sciences... cos im damn sure im nt taking sci in JC. EVER. n i mean it.N taking sci is reali wasting precious tym dat cld b devoted 2 upgrading my maths grades. yupz...cos whether i wan 2 or nt, i simply cannot drop A maths cos wateva it is, haf 2 take A maths in JC. Its either dat or Maths C and frankly, A Maths sounds much easier. But havent decided yet la. Shall luk at my final term marks...yupz...

I miss my daddy! okay fine, not reali dat much. its jus cos i can get my ipod wen he gets bak.wenever dat is la. hope its soon. *crosses fingers*. Haiz, must give my songlist shyt 2 nikki tmr b4 it gets longer n longer cos i keep adding...must get dat ting away frm me!

Oh,speaking of Nikki, i ws having tuition jus nw n sum1 called my hse. (yup, u guessed it. Nikki!) Aniwei, dis person(Cough*Nikki*Cough) immediatly said wen e fone was picked up , "eh, did u col me?", thinking it was me, bt actuali it was my sissy! So my sis was lyk "umm" wen reali wat she wanted 2 say was "who e heck r u?"(which unfortunately she didnt...). So my dear Nikki went on "Alah. den hu col me?"(she still doesnt realise its nt me..tsk.) "umm...i dunno?" says my sis (who shld haf said she wasnt me. bt mayb nikki was toking 2 fast so she cldnt get a word in. Yup.dat mus b it.) den nikki said bye n put dowm e fone, STILL thinking it was lil old me. tsk...Sum ppl r jus blur??? lolz... oh btw, dats nt e 1st tym....One wld tink after god knows how long knowing me, she'd now how 2 tell my nope, i tink she kinda needs more tym... :) :) :)

Nikki, no hard feelings kayz... :)