Saturday, September 03, 2005

Letting you go...

I miss those days and I miss those ways
When I got lost in fantasies
In a cartoon land of mysteries
In a place you won't grow old
In a place you won't feel cold
Seems I'm lost in my reflection
Find a star for my direction

The 3rd of September. I thought i could hold on longer but it's not meant to be. Last night, i saw so many flashes of memories. All wif u starring. yeah i admit i was dreading 2dae. dreading how i wld feel cos i wasnt ready 2 let u go.

2dae came b4 i knew it and i felt dis odd sense of relief. dat sumhow u were telling me its time 4 me 2 let go n move on wif my life. n sumhow both of u were telling me dat...i guess, at sum point i had 2 let u go whether i wanted 2 or nt...n i dunno, i feel free...unbound by the effort it took 2 keep holding on.

i guess wat dey say is ryt...i gotta let go n move on. onli thing i can do ryt?

Now, i think of u both n smile instead of cringing inward. thank you from e bottom of my heart for giving me dat chance 2 know u n 2 feel ur love n support 4 me...both of u....where ever u r out dere sumwhere, i hope u r happier n at peace...jus wanna say i'll never 4get...ever.