Sunday, September 11, 2005

My dream...or is it nightmare?

Slept late yest. Ard 3.30? 4? sth lyk dat... tossed and turned 4 quite a while...Maybe i shld get sleeping pills or sth...Cos how am i supposed 2 wake up 4 sch n all dat...Bt cares ryt? :)

Ergh...My sis belting out avril lavigne at the top of her voice...every single track or sth lyk wonder it's raining...

Had a dream or maybe u cn col it nightmare last nyt or morning[up 2 u la]...i dunno. star of my dream/nightmare dis tym? Nikki n mirabelle. n kind of lyk a whole load of other ppl...

It was at dis party. The Killers were playing [what e heck were e killers doing dere? i haf no idea.] Aniwaez, Mr. Brightside was blasting and i was at the entry to the place, wherever it was la...i went in, wen i did, e doors slammed shut. Locked. dere was a lot of ppl...i felt lost...i cldnt see anybody i knew...Den i looked at the stage and i saw Nikki and Mirabelle standing dere, looking at me...Dey were jus standing dere...N dey were crying.. Lyk reali crying...Nikki was wearing her von dutch shirt tingy and mira was wearing dat drama shirt of hers n her beret...I tried pushing my way to them but ppl were jostling me n blocking my every move...I recognise omi n jack n shaf n jellie n nissa...dey kept pushing me back, keeping me off track...dey n all e other ppl...Sum1 or sth kept holding me back. no matter how hard i tried moving forward, i never reached e stage...Wen i look at the stage again, Nikki and Mirabelle had turned their backs on me...sumhow i heard dis voice saying "2 late..." [sth lyk dat...]den...dey were gone.. dere was dis change of scene...I tink it was in school or sth lyk dat...looks lyk behind e classroom block...I saw em again..dis tym, i reached em no problem...dey gave me dis box...pretty box...silver i tink with gold ribbons n a pic of orli on e cover[no idea wat his pic ws doin dere...]...I was gonna say thank you bt wen i look up, dey were gone again...So i opened e box and inside was two hearts[i suppose it was their's ryt?], bleeding...cuts all over...huge cuts lyk sum1 tried to rip e heart into pieces...den, i woke up crying...

nt e 1st tym i had dis kind of weird dream...wat do dey mean? i dunno...sum1 tell me...