Thursday, September 22, 2005

I'm not Penthesilea

Just ignore the last post...E person i wrote it 2 will nvr ever read it so no point wondering if its u or wat shyt...

Charles Bukowski once wrote; ‘There will always be something to ruin our lives. It all depends on what or which finds us first You’re always ripe and ready to be taken.'

Guess i found dat ting dats ruining my life. me. right back where i started. Happy? Not even close. Wat do i feel? i dunno..i dun noe anything anymore...

escape. we all want it. we're all looking for a safe place in a non-safe world. dat place doesn't exist.

Bt we all have our little spots where we can feel a lil safe.for me, home's not an, in front of every1 is just weird n 2 i go 2 e only place i can go...where it all started, stopped and now started again...i hope no1 finds me...cos i dun wan 2 b found...yet...col it my dirty lil secret..

Pain doesn't hurt...When its all you've ever felt...