Monday, February 19, 2007

Black and White

I finally got the browser to work again.
The past few days saw me utterly frustrated over the stupid thing.
It frustrates me even more when I can chat on msn but I can't open a webpage.
totally what the fuck.
And since Dad started his new job, he's never around for me to ask him to fix it.
The upside is that when he IS around, he's always in a good mood.
And when he's in a good mood, I'm ecstatic.
It puts the FUN back in dysfunctional.

Yesterday was another surreal day that disrupted my black and white life with splashes of unwanted gray.
(I seem to be getting a lot of surreal days recently.)
Things have always been pretty clear cut to me.
They're either this or that.
Either black or white.
I take pride in the fact that I can read in between the lines and put things (and people) where they rightfully should be.
But sometimes, along comes a day, this fraction of a moment, where something or someone deals me a hand I can't play cos I can't read the cards.
I hate when that happens cos' it throws me off balance, off equilibrium, off whatever.
And as much as it pains me to admit, it scares the hell out of me.

"You seem happy." guess what, I actually am. :)

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