Monday, February 12, 2007

To wherever it may lead

The euphoria of the results has more or less slipped away.
Actually, I didn't even celebrate it, not even alone.
The past weekend, I spent either fast asleep or stressing on which JC to go or talking to people about the JAE.
Maybe I should take Haqi up on his offer.
Right now, I'm pretty indifferent.
It's like I got back the results and then its back to normal.
My mum's back cooking at the shop.
My dad's still not talking to me over the whole mjc shit.
I mean I don't wanna go there cos' it doesn't offer the subject combination I want.
So honestly, what's the point of going to mjc and taking subjects I don't really want to take?
Then not make it to uni as a result and then even more he will be diasappointed.
I swear I have no idea where to go now.
And I'm feeling horrible.
Four years at TKGS taught me a lot.
But it also gave me plenty of good memories.
And allowed me to meet so many great individuals who I will most sorely miss.
As much as I tell myself that we're still gonna remain friends, I also know that anything can happen.
And that it might all just be taken away from you just like how it was given to you.
People, like time, is lent to us by God.
And when it comes the time for him to take it away, he will.
So like what dilah says, "We'll stay friends until God says it's time for us to part"
In my last post, I failed to mention how proud I am for all the girls in my year.
How we went against all the odds and shocked all the teachers who almost lacked faith after the disastrous results of prelims.
And we kicked ass!
I'm so proud of everyone and especially Zul.
I'm extremely proud to be a TKGian right now.
And I'm so proud of myself for beating my own odds and proving to everyone and most importantly, myself that I can make it and still had it in me.

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