Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Two among so many

In this world, there are only two people that I can open up to.
Open up fully without any inhibitions.
It's strange isn't it that out of so many people that I've come to know and love, only two out of so many, really see me for who I am.
Somehow, they find a way to get past all my guards and knock down all my walls and see the real me behind all the concrete layers.
And that's saying something.
Cos I have a hell of a problem trusting people and opening up to them.
It also helps that they're like me.
Private, complex and so much more than what meets the eye.
Deep thinkers, we see things that's not just black and white.
People all see me differently. Those who do not understand write me off before I even start explaining.

One of those two people is someone so unexpected, so random.
A fortuitous chance started something that spun so wildly out of my control and into her steady hands.
I never could have known that a moment where all the planets stopped, where motion stopped, just for a teeny fraction of the day, could unleash something so much more than I can ever imagine.
I wonder how God could have had the heart to keep her a secret until recently when he whispered in my ear, telling me to trust her.
And for once, I actually listened and that was one of the most greatest moves I ever made.
For as I ponder how little I know of her before, I relate to her in ways that probably no one else understands or comprehends.
Sometimes, I try to think of life without her gracious prescence, and I find that I can't fathom anything of the sort.
As much as I would like to be egotistical and say that she's an option, I can't.
Cos she's more of a priority than I think even she realises.
I can give up so many other things and outings with other people.
But my all those times with her, the jaunts that transcends understanding, is something I can't give up.
Not even for all the gold in the world.

The only other person I can open up to doesn't surprise me and isn't as unexpected.
Cos I always knew she was more like me than most other people.
As much as we both are so different in character to the naked eye, we are so alike if only you take the time to scrutinise.
I always find myself telling her things I could never bring myself to tell anyone else.
We lost it for a little bit and we never talk much but when we do, I find myself relaxing and opening up.
Again, I find myself opening up to her even after so many things have happened.
And even after being on different planes for so long.
It is so unconventional yet so essential.
Somehow, I can see in my mind's eye, the things to come.
The future is something no one except God knows the secret to, yet I have a feeling God let me in on the secret.

You have no idea how much that means to me.

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