Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Write my heart off

Do you want to run away together?
That's the best line I've heard since forever.
The stars are fading and dawn is breaking.
Get in the car and start the engine.
Take me by the hand,baby, and write me off.

Comatose would be a good word to explain the state I was in just now.
Ah, the horrors the lack of sleep could induce on your being.
Other than horrible eyebags that petrify, your brain also slows to a crawl.
Still, I managed to squeeze another quality therapeutic session stargazing.
It's something I've come to love a lot.
I really hope the sessions continue.
Bodofuck, better not buat bodohkn aku and stop the sessions eh.
Don't be a fucker.
My sister thought I looked like a gangster with my hoodie on.
Mum actually agreed with her.
Nonsense la both of them.
And for the first time, Mum didn't call for me to get my ass home.
She was too busy making 300 coconut blossoms for Bartley Sec's camp.
If there's ever a weird cool school, Bartley Sec will be a very likely contender.

As I'm typing this,my Dad's meowing.
He got back from work and he's meowing and cooing to Izzy;
"Izzy...Izzzyyy...Izzy good girl kn? Alalala...Izzyy come to ayah sini.come.Izzyy"
So in conclusion, I have another two siblings.
Who are cats.
Talk about a diverse family.
Now, they talk about globalisation in families but my family's gone a step further.
We've diversified across species.
Cool shit.

Life's full of what the fucks.

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