Sunday, February 11, 2007


So, doosmday is finally over.
I'm still in a state of shock over the results.
I actually managed to scrape a pass in maths after 4 years of not passing it.
I told all of the girls that I'll cry like shit if I just so much as pass maths even if its a freaking C6.
And I'm a man(woman actually) of my word.
I didn't think of anything when I went up to Mrs. Chan.
She smiled and said I did well but it didn't sink in either until I glanced down and saw no Ds or Es or Fs.
I swear at that moment, my mind went totally blank and only registered one thing; find Mrs. Taufik.
I saw her from far cos' for her bright blue top and she asked me how I did.
I went;
"I p-p-passed maths!!"
And then the flood gates opened.
And didn't close.
People kept asking me what was my L1R5 and i just kept blubbering I passed maths.
I flitted around the hall, hugging people and thanking all my teachers.
I really got loads of thanks to go out to all these special people;
Shafiqah, Fadhilah, Bani, Asyura, Surayya,Syazana for believing in me and calming me down.
We all did great and I'm so freaking proud of each and every one of you! Love ya so!
Beatrice, for actually cupping my face and calming me down when I was waiting for my turn to take the results.
Farhana, for holding my hand and screaming with me.
Nadia, for your support and encouraging message.
Kak Ann, for wishing me all the best and for taking the time to come over and helping me make a choice.
Farhan, for calming me down in the morning and that time I freaked.
Haqi, for your offer to follow me to school and for offering to treat me swensons (I'm thinking no but who knows)
Irfan, for freaking out with me. I'm so proud of you boy. Get your ass in a good poly and stay there!
And to my teachers;
Mrs Taufik, for always believing and encouraging me when i wanted to just give up on my maths and for painstakingly going through all the basics with me again and again.
Mrs Ngin, for having faith and telling me I can and for that apple and believing that we're all stars.
Mrs. S. Hoe, for taking time to give me a pep talk after prelims and for worrying for me when I was worried about my Lit.
Mdm Lee, for telling me I can do it and for saying I can make it against all the odds and for letting me cry in your shoulder last year.
Mrs. S. Yeo, for telling me I deserved it and for helping me deal with everything.
And to my beloved family.
In the end, this is my results.
Higher Malay-A2(expected since i fell asleep doing the paper)
Combined sci-A1(don't know how the hell I did this)
Lit in English-A1(omg. whew. I was scared I was gonna get c5 again)
Combined Humans-B3(turns out I didn't bullshit after all)
Maths-C6(GAH!! I passed it!!!)
My L1R5 after bonus points is 11.
I'm ecstatic.
Again, to all the people who had faith and believed, thank you!!

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