Sunday, February 25, 2007

The story of another day

Follow me into the sea
We'll drown together and immortalize you and me
Leave behind this lonely town
We're both better than this, it's not worth being down
- This is for keeps, The Spill Canvas

Conversations I've had with people that have tickled me.

Mum: Oh, Fadhilah keje pat ne?
Me: Telemarketing la...
Mum:Oh...dekat maner tu?
Me:Umm..a building near Zouk.
Mum: Zouk aper benda?

Grandma: Bsk gi kedai la.
Me: Bsk iqa nk tgk award ah. Oscars.
Grandma: Oscars? filem org putih nyer award eh?
Me. A'ah. Selasa iqa gi kedai ah.
Grandma: Ah. Selasa MESTI pegi eh. Klau tk, jaga kau nnt nenek kejekn.

My posts are getting shorter and shorter and I'm aware of that.
So I'm gonna try to make them longer.
With that mission embedded in my half-dead mind, I shall proceed to describe my day out yesterday.
In a totally spontaneous move, I decided to follow dilah and bani and the rest (sharatul, nurul, marr,shameen,nissa)
to watch Dreamgirls at The Cathay.
So here goes.

When the first rays of sunlight entered through the glass windows, creeping into my room, I was rudely awakened by an authority figure.
Said authority figure started nagging which filled me with irritation since I was suffering from a severe lack of sleep caused by sleeping at 5 am.
An annoying little brat I bumped into irritated me further by wearing the shirt I wanted to wear to bed the night before.
My patience tried, I snapped and a match ensued between me and said annoying little brat, which involved muttered curse words and pushing voices past their normal tone.
Due to the fuming rage licking my insides, calm did not befall me and thus I could not rest and get my beauty sleep.
When I finally did manage to lull myself to sleep, I was once again awakened,this time by the vibration of a communication device otherwise known as my handphone.
Fumbling, I answered the call and bani told me it was 10.30.
The phrase "oh fuck" escaped my lips before I had a chance to stop it.
This is due to the fact that I had already wasted half an hour late in the time I had graciously allotted myself to get ready.
Scrambling, I did all the usual things a sane person does before going out.
As usual, dilah was late which did not surprise me since she has a past and well-known record for always being late.
Finally, we managed to reach whitesands where we headed over to the bank, stealing looks at a cute policeman on duty while we were at it. sempat sak.
A tip off from marr caused us to abandon the attempt to queue in a ridiculously long queue
and head over to city hall and visit the bank located there.
Once at city hall, we succesfully got our directions mixed up and ended up in a totally different place from where nissa meant.
After finally arriving at the correct destination, it was to our misfortune to learn that the bank is already closed since it was a Saturday.
Dilah appropriately cursed (which highly amused me) and we headed over to Sakura for lunch.
After lunch, we boarded the public transport called the bus and made our way to the Cathay.
Various cam-whoring poses was exhausted with the aid of handy digital cameras during the short bus ride.
With the help of a KFC dude, a group photo was hastily snapped admist falling raindrops.
After a quick session primping in the toilet as well as the purchasing of tidbits, we headed over to the theatre whose number was stated clearly on little slips of paper.
After promptly finding our allocated seats, we sat down and waited for the show to start.
As expected from raving reviews, the movie was a blast with an awsome soundtrack.
Tears were generously provided by marr and bani during the course of the movie.
Nonetheless, it is a movie that should not be missed.
After the movie, dilah had to be escorted to PS to buy plaster for her blistered foot.
Feeling exactly like a nurse, the application of said plasters was administered by me.
After chilling for a short span of time at Starbucks, back at the Cathay, we decided to head home.
In another totally spontaneous moment, bani and dilah insisted on taking the bus.
As I was valiantly trying to recall which bus to take, three caucasian dudes waved us over and snapped our picture.
As flattering as that was, me and dilah refused bani's urges to join the dudes.
Securing ourselves back seats on bus number 65, we prepared ourselves for a long journey home.
In an unexpected twist, Bani decided to go to tampines mart and being the loyal friends we are, me and dilah agreed unanimously to follow her.
Just in case.
Nothing of expected and rehearsed situations occured at Tampines mart so by 10.45, we headed off for home.
A phone call from Bani at 12.22 am, incensed me to the point that my hands shook.
Unfortunately, my wrath could not be expressed to certain fuckers/assholes who ricocheted bullets with their name carved on, through Bani's heart.
Fuming, I relayed to dilah, a litany of curses peppering the story.
Dilah said she expected me to react the way I did since I can never stand it when my friends get hurt or treated wrongly.
However, she made me laugh when she said she was dying to see me lose my temper, saying that since she knows I can get totally giler babi when I lose it, she has got to see it.
Apparently, a sadistic streak exists inside her.
Thus, ends the story of my day yesterday, the 24th of February 2007.
* Due to the need to prevent any insinuations and awkward questions, I have eliminated parts I did not feel necessary to portray in the story and also not name certain person/persons known only to me and the people involved directly in the matter.

-Dreams are e-mails from ghosts.

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