Thursday, February 22, 2007

To ravage and devastate

Dig that pre-arranged grave
Send the angels scrambling for cover
Court the Devil, hold his hand
Ravage then devastate

We're all human beings .
And we're all destined to live together in a society.
That's why we all have tolerance instilled in us.
In life, we do a lot of tolerating.
We tolerate each other's conflicting beliefs.
We tolerate each other's shortcomings and flaws.
We tolerate and tolerate.
But there will be this point of time, either in the near or far future,
where our tolerance simply runs dry.
And we grow tired.
Tired of always tolerating.
Just plain tired.
Basically, that's what I'm feeling now.
I'm so sick and tired of tolerating all the crap and nonsense.
Frankly, everyone is sick and tired.
Still you're too blinded by "love" to actually realise that.
Way to go.
That's the way to make a friend feel really treasured.
And if, you would actually take the time to listen instead of just hearing, maybe you'd get the message.
But haha, the probability of that is less than zero.
I'm just sincerely hoping for your sake that you don't push it over the edge.
Cos' right now, you've already crossed way beyond the line.
Aku da tk leh tahan ah sia. stop it ah eh. klau tk, mampos kau.

-The possibility of probability

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