Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Ad Astra

So today was the first day of school.
I felt thrown in a whole helix filled with surreal moments.
It's like the disorienting and hallucinatory quality dreams possess.
The day started out extremely early for me since I have to travel all the way North to IJC in Woodlands.
I must say I was impressed with the little fraction of the campus I saw during the walk from the bustop to the gate.
We, TKGians grouped around a table while waiting for Assembly to start at 8.
We checked out our respective OGs.
I'm in OG 26 Heracles of the Supra Beings tribe.
We haven't really bonded yet but that's understandable since it was only the first day.
I did find a friend in Prevenya who mostly sat beside me.
Honestly, we were the only two on time all the time.
Even our OGLs (whom we still have no idea what their names are) were a teeny bit impressed.
There's nothing really much to say about the first day since it was mainly all the introductory and administrative talks.
Talks all the way from 8 in the morning to roughly 4.30 in the afternoon.
Of course there were breaks and all.
We learnt the school song which is way not like a school song. haha.
And school cheers but all the JC1s were kinda quiet so it was mostly the OGLs cheering and singing.
At that point, I severely missed the chaos in TKG.

I just handed in my application for subject combination.
So I'll probably be taking Lit in English, Lit in Malay, History and H1 Maths.
I love Lit. haha.

Oh yes, an insight to my schedule tomorrow;
8 am
Flag raising at the grandstand
8.10 to 9.10 am
Process Skills Lecture at LT2
9.10 to 10.10 am
H2 Literature at LT3
10.10 to 10.40 am
10.40 to 11.40 am
H1 Mathematics at LT3
11.40 to 1.40 pm
Free time
1.40 to 2.40 pm
2.40 to 6.10 pm
Orientation at grandstand

Basically, I will reach home at say 8 or 9 tomorrow.
I'm already feeling the pressure.
I mean can you believe it's only the first day but I'm already thinking of studying maths later .
I can't help but worry since I missed the first 3 months and I dropped A Maths at the end of sec 3 which means I'm at a disadvantage.

Nevertheless, I'm pretty happy with IJC.
I love their motto and and all that since it all got something to do with the stars, the sky, the universe, constellations and etc.
And the school is new so all the facilities are state of the art and the teachers are all dedicated and the school uses a student initiative approach.

Ad Astra, To the stars.

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