Friday, March 16, 2007

The bliss of 18 hours sleep

I had a marathon sleep session which lasted approximately 18 hours.
From 4 pm yesterday all the way to 10 this morning.
Weird thing is, I'm still a little drained.

I was pretty quiet at Starbucks just now.
Something nikki said made me think a little.
Can you love and hate a person at the same time?
I'm of the opinion you can't.
You either hate or you love.
You hate because you love too much.
Like how I hate you sometimes cos I love you too much.
If only you knew...

I feel so I don't know.
Sometimes I wake up and miss someone so severely it can bring tears to my eyes. (sometimes.)
thing is, I have no idea who I'm missing.
Sometimes I think it's you. but then other times, it's not you, it's you.
And then on other days, it's a totally different you.
Maybe I'm not supposed to pinpoint exactly who it is.
Well whoever it is, I miss you. (if that helps)

"You care about others too much. You never care about yourself enough. So I'll do the caring for you."

"I can't do that again."
"chill. aku ader."

"one day you will. just not now."
"I want to believe that so much."

"I'll be watching you."

I thought you changed from A to B but you're a Z now.

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