Sunday, March 11, 2007

Talking to a virtual princess

The moral to the story goes
Never leave your heart
In a box
Locked up
With cold cold ice
Never leave your heart alone
- Never leave your heart alone, Butterfly Boucher

I find it easier to express how I feel about something to someone through MSN.
It still has a very superficial quality to it but I just don't open up to people.
not even on the phone.
If you happen to catch me at a right time, I might but mostly, I'll just clam up.
That's just the way I am.

I know Dilah's asking but I can't really bring myself to tell her the details.
I told her the most vague summary that even I was embarassed at myself.
I know it's human to feel and to make mistakes and to have limitations but sometimes, it's just hard to open up.
It's not you. It's me.
Bukan kamu yang salah. Aku yang nggak bisa menyatakan segalanya.

I'm listening to more emo indon songs. Jiwang jgk ah kirakn.
But I prefer indon bands.
Somehow they just appeal to me more. Besides, I can't really take songs that are way too jiwang.
I feel smothered.
Dygta, Samsons, Peterpan and of course, UNGU.
Oh ya,
I created another blog for all my sajaks since I am so afraid I'm going to lose all my copies so I placed it all on a blog.
The link is there under shaeira.

And I'm trying to keep myself hydrated.
I skipped coffee today.
I feel a teeny bit better but I just gotta be careful and watch it.
Dilah kept giving me wtf looks everytime I grabbed her arm yesterday cos I swayed.
And she forced me to drink lots of water at Sakura.
Annoying but I know she means well.
Besides, I worry too much about other people that sometimes, I neglect to take care of myself.

Bani: bodofuck,as much as I'm getting tired, I still fucking love you loads.
I'm happy as long as you're happy.
And I swear as long as you still allow me to care, I will care.
And clean up whatever messes even if it's an oil spill.
Just give me a bit of time and I'll be back.
take care of yourself. you better.

I did what I could, I did what I did

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