Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The dystopia of Utopia

My eyes are screaming for sleep right now but I still got a lot of stuff I got to do.
Well, maybe the more correct word to use is want.
There is still a lot of stuff(not, and never stuffs) I want to do.
Right now, I'm searching up on a few poets Ms. Yap brought up in the Lit lecture.
Namely; Matthew Arnold, Philip Larkin, Christina Rosetti,Eve Merriam and Sylvia Plath.
Technically the lecture jsut now was a bridging lecture to recap what the first intake students learnt in the first 10 weeks.
Thank god, they made this handy Lit handbook available.
There's a whole host of valuable information inside and even a glossary of terms.
It's way more complicated and complex than O level Literature yet A level Literature makes me fall in love with the sheer beauty of it,every lecture that passes.

I'm starting to pace myself in terms of all the academic stuff I have to handle and especially all the reading I have to do for eng lit, malay lit and history.
It's not gonna be easy (duh) but I''m quite hopeful that with good time management, I can squeeze in most of them in 24 hours.
Besides,I've accepted the inevitable fact that eyebags are a permanent fixture when you go to a jc.

Oh yes, I got into the same class as SHAF. :)
that means another 2 years with her, totalling six in all.
Muker kau jerr. cam la dunia ni sempit sampai tak de orang lain yg boleh warnakan hidup aku ni.
It's a relief to have her in my class cos I sure as hell need all the help I can get for maths.
besides, I love her. :) :) :)

Life is so much more fulfilling now that school has started and my brain cells are engaged in intellectual thought.
I'm enjoying school as weird as that sounds.

I'm worrying about people again.
Guess that's just me.
I worry about others.
Right now, I'm worrying about you even though you maintain there is nothing to worry about.
I just worry.
Whatever it is you choose, I just hope that you know I'm here for you if you need me.
(I know you don't really but I like to feel needed so just give me the pleasure of saying that okay. :) haha. )

You can love love but you can't hate hate.

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