Wednesday, March 21, 2007

She's the personification of a simile

I never pass judgements on people. That's me.
I'm unjudgemental by nature.
You can say that I'm pretty indifferent.
Even if someone I pass roll their eyes at me, I'm indifferent to it.
And I don't immediatly label them.
But sometimes, a certain character just gives me a concrete reason to hate their guts.
As much as I don't want to, when it is a very very concrete reason, I can't help it.
I'm a human being.
I have limits.
My gp lecturer just now gave an extremely concrete reason.
She's about as nice as sirius's mum in JK Rowling's Harry Potter. maybe even nicer.
A hell lot nicer.
And her voice, it reached such a pitched decibel I thought not even possible in the natural world.
Surely it's a feat not achieved by many.
I tuned out after a while and resorted to cursing and muttering under my breath.
Shaf did the same thing and so did the guy beside me.
Vanitha and Lassi werre playing bingo behind us.
everybody in front was ramrod straight and all but us, lesser mortals at the back ignored her totally.
I swear if she is my gp tutor, I will scream so loud until the aliens on planet mars can hear me.

It's also really weird to call fiqah. since I'm sort of calling my name.
Incidentally she does have my name!
Mrs Sharan says our class is full of FIQs :
ShaFIQah, AFIQah, FIQah, SyaFIQ.

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