Sunday, March 04, 2007

The random things

I had a dream last night.
A dream of Ariel otherwise known as the hot vocalist of indonesia band, peterpan.
I swear he is so HOT.
In the dream, they were here for a show or something and then they somehow stayed at my relative's place.
Then it somehow, I asked for a photo and then Ariel stood beside me and his arm was around my waist. haha.
I remember I gloated to dilah and nikki in the dream and they both told me to fuck off.

And the night before that, I dreamt of the effortless hot shit placebo.
It was this totally weird dream where we liked each other (oh how I wish)
and then he snapped this ugly photo of me with his phone and I kept telling him to delete it.
He refused and then somehow, dilah and her painkiller appeared and started teasing as well.
(they were holding hands..hmm.)
Then we wrestled and I ended up tickling him.
Then sadly, I woke up.
Damn. I wanted to know if he was a good kisser even if its only in a dream.

Dilah told me that her mummy said if you dream of that person, he/she was thinking about you before they go to sleep.
So that means, Ariel and effortless hot shit placebo was thinking of me!
yeah right.
still, a girl can dream.

I had a heart to heart with nikki yesterday.
I guess all these while, what I needed was to talk to her about it all instead of talking about it and how I feel to dilah or shaf or who ever.
That was what I needed to stop being mad at her and finally forgive her for that one time she fucked up.
Like all those countless times she forgave me for all the times I fucked up.
It feels so good to let it all out to the person in question.
She asked me to forgive her and after so long of still being mad at her, I did.
So now it's all good and it is such a relief.

Dilah was totally giving me smirks everytime.
I think she always knew.
And I gotta thank her for letting me figure everything out by myself.

I'm trying to eat veggies.
keyword: trying.
I realise that when I have kids, I can't tell them to eat veggies when I myself don't eat veggies.
So that day, I tried carrots.
I know that's not really a veggie but still,
That's a start.
I shall go slowly about it.
No rush.

Oh ya, dilah, guess you're right.
I still have space in my heart to love more people again.

This post is so going nowhere. haha.
It's just me being so totally random.

If my thoughts were water, I would have already drowned.

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