Sunday, March 25, 2007

This ship has taken me nowhere nice

This ship I'm on, it's taken me nowhere nice this week.
Sailing tempestuous oceans, everything is turbulent.
I lost my equilibrium sometime around thursday.
All through sunday to wednesday, the ship took me to calm and tranquil seas and let me enjoy the ride, letting me feel the euphoria of flying with the cool sea breeze whipping my hair.
Kinda like Rose in Titanic.
I think the ride turned 360 degrees at the point where I lost my phone and iPod.
Yes. That has got to the the single moment that the ship almost capsized.
Apparently, I left them on the toilet paper dispenser in the toilet.
Luck was on my side and a good samaritan returned them to me.
But my equilibrium was already lost.
The remainder of the day saw me struggle to regain some semblance of balance.
Shaf helped me retain a little sense of sanity but it wasn't enough for me to regain my balance.
Before I could stop it, a catharsis of emotions occured.
The breakdown that was pending came without any warning.
There wasn't even any real catalyst to the breakdown.
It just happened.
You know how life's like a bicycle?
You have to keep your balance or you'll crash.
So I crashed.
simple as that.
I got a feeling it was due to all the shit I've been keeping in since December.
And finally, I just cracked from the strain.
People all say it's good that I finally had the breakdown.
And I agree with them.
Still doesn't make it any less painful or easier.
However, I know this lack of equilibrium is temporaray and I'll get it back sooner rather than later.
And this ship I'm on, it'll take me on the euphoric flying journey towards the starlight.

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