Wednesday, March 21, 2007

In retrospective glasses

0734A is a class full of roses. 17 roses and 2 thorns (Ilham and Syafiq).
I forsee no problems bonding with my classmates.
They're all very fun although I hope they get used to me and Shaf shooting our mouths off during class.
Namira asked whether we knew each other before.
There was this moment of hesitation before we both proclaimed that yes we knew each other.
And yes we were from the same secondary school.
Yes we were in the same class for four years.
And yes we're in the same class now.

School is turning out to be extremely fun.
My lessons are all great with the obvious exception being maths.
I was struggling a little (maybe more than a little) during maths lecture simply because I forgot how to draw a straight line.
Maths brings out all my insecurities. It's something that I'm just not naturally inclined to therefore I'm not much good at it.
In fact,I'm quite rubbish at it.

Lit made up for it with all the fun.
Ms Yap taught us imagery and she made us see imagery in songs like Higher by Creed, Loving Arms by The Dixie Chicks and a couple of others including an Austin Powers remix of an old song.
GP early in the morning was extremely entertaining and interesting as well.
Mrs Sharan taught us a little on mass media, she showed us a couple of clips but it was the responses from some of us that cracked me up. :)
Oh yes, apparently there's a size 00 now.
God. How tiny is that?!?

Oh yes, I'm in love with my graphic calculator. It is the coolest thing I have seen in the form of a calculator.
It's a little slow but the functions are whoa.
No shit there.

I'm getting a headache from the direct result of wearing glasses.
Which I havent even touched in close to 2 years.
It's a little weird and my degree for glasses went a little higher.
maybe that explains the headache.

"What other forms of plastic surgery are there besides Lipo?"

"If you can't remember their names, you have to buy for them chocolate. So Ilham what's her name?"
"Cher, I think I need to buy her chocolate."

"Marilyn Monroe was a size sixteen. That means she was voluptuous."
"No cher. Bulky."

"Omg. It's super hot in here."
"Well that's because I'm sitting beside you."

"Other than weight, what else does a woman have issues with?"
"her Boobies!!"

"Moby Dick became Moby's Dick."

"And death shall be no more; death, thou shalt die."

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