Thursday, March 08, 2007

Hickory Heracles

In my last post, I mentioned coming home at 8 or 9.
I came home at 10.
I was so cranky due to an extremely severe lack of sleep.
Now it's okay since I passed that point where I'm so sleepy.

School today was a bittersweet mixture of pure fun and serious work.
Lectures took up half the day.
I shall just run through them pretty quickly;
PSL (process skills lecture)
Thought us useful and extremely important note taking skills.
I learnt quite a bit.
Essentially, it's dull but needed and since its only once so oh well.
H2 English Literature
It was my most favourite lecture of all. (duh)
My teacher started by telling us a bit about the subject.
We are apparently encouraged to be psychotic (no shit) but still retain your sanity and incorporate an objective outlook at the same time.
To ask questions and say your views.
She gave an example by intrepeting Moby Dick's white whale as a woman.
Insinuations started left, right and centre.
Then she told us the focus in IJC.
Which is imagining the other worlds/ alternate worlds like;
1) The Nether World
2)The Gothic World
3)The Scientific (futuristic) World
4)The Fairy Tale (magic and ethereal) World
5)The Insane World (no shit here either)
Since we're doing H2, we have 5 texts:
1)The Guide by R.K. Narayan
2) The Duchess of Malfi by John Webster
3) Handmaid's tale by Margaret Atwood
4) Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
and my personal favourite and the best there is,
5)The Tempest by William Shakespeare
(we were supposed to do Othello in place of The Duchess of Malfi but it never happened. DAMN. Gerry and I were make indignant sounds at that announcement)
We did inequalities.
I roughly had some semblance of idea what was going on but I am so rusty even oil will not work.
Which is why dilah's teaching me the basics of term 1's work on saturday when she sleeps over.
thank god.

After all the lectures above and a stretch of free period, we had orientation.
Sadly it was only half a day since the principal decided to shorten the 2nd intake orientation due to the adventure camp in week 2 of term 2.
Before games, we had icebreakers so Heracles of Supra consists of me aka fi, Zhen Xiang aka slacker, Alva aka Al,Joey aka Joe,Dory aka Fish,Moses aka Mo,Sherry aka Fuzzy, Vivien aka Monkey, Shu Han aka A Han, Hidhir aka Kid, Eddy aka D, Huda aka Junkie and our OGLs, Mervin and Ying.
I can't really remember much about the games, but the one I enjoyed greatly was the free throwing water bomb game.
Huda and I smashed water bombs on our heads while the rest of Heracles ran about throwing bombs.
Joey hit both Huda and I when he smacked his hands (which of course held water bombs) in the stomach.
I only had time for a small "ahh." before I was drenched.
Still, it was fun.

Sadly, (even after the 200 ++ points Heracles collected for our clan, Supra)
Supra had to bow down to PD.
Still, whatever, Supra rocks. haha.

"what's your L1R5?"
"Oh..umm 14."
"?!?? Then what the hell are you doing here?!"

"I'm allergic to water."
"Yeah right."
"Really! I don't shower. I towel and sponge."


"eh if you're allergic to water right, I'm allergic to standing."

I'm going to go off now. My mood is totally shot. Thanks loads. This is so whatever. Money makes the world go round can kiss my ass.

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