Wednesday, January 02, 2008

The first day back from wonderland

And as we all know, today is the first day back in school.
It's damn weird waking up and not just going to sleep at 5.30 in the morning.
As usual, I take 161 and the bus was late(by my standards), I think the new year screwed up the normal timings.
I have a feeling I'm going to have to start going out earlier cos all the J1's were practically flooding the bus just now.
They look so out of place with their secondary school uniform. haha.
I reached school around the same time I always do and sat at the same table, in front of the vending machine so that my dear classmates will not get lost trying to find our class.
I had to wait a while cos everyone was apparently later than usual due to first day back at school blues I guess.
Syafiq came next and sat down opposite me and I find myself really appreciating that routine moment because I know, later on, there might not be anymore routine 2007 moments like that.

The first period was CT time with ms Charles. :)
The very first thing I noticed when I sat down was how small the class is now that the new year has begun.
there's only 13 of us left and it was 10 just now cos the OGL's were not there.
I tried not to think of li and naz and syafiq much cos I know it'll just make me miss them more.
The irony is that I didn't even have to think of them cos small, little things will just automatically remind me that they're not there.
Like how nad had to switch the lights during MLL tutorial (which incidentally is super mendak cos the class was so freaking quiet.) cos Li's not there to do that anymore.
And how we can't not do the homework anymore as our main partner's in crime (in the case of always not doing work) have reverted to another life.
Gahh, I'm being sentimental. I think I'm listening to Battle's Icarus too much. -_-

And it seems that all the teachers have conspired with each other to freak us all out.
Almost everyone of them started off with a lecture on the importance of working hard, the competition to get into local universities etc.
Really. What a good way to bring me crashing back down to reality.

On a more high note, it was great seeing everyone again! :)
I enjoyed listening to vani and ying bitch, argue, threaten and bicker with each other, after two months not listening to them do that.
haha. It's good entertainment but class will be a nightmare when both of them start and can't shut up. -_-

Ended the day with a meeting with the "its" to consolidate the content that we have.
There were only 5 of us cos zul had the camp and the idiot vani ran off blatantly.
We sort of discussed what we had to do for a bit and spent the rest of the time talking randomly, gossiping and bitching. haha.
And next wednesday will be wen jia's birthday celebration after school. :)
she wanted to have it on monday cos her actual birthday is this friday but I have MLEP until 5.40 in the afternoon (bloody hell.) so changed to wednesday.
And it's confirmed that our weekly lunches will be on wednesday too.
haha. I'm looking forward to it.
They're all starting to grow on me.

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