Thursday, January 03, 2008

I suddenly thought of you

I always consider thursdays my "burn out" days cos I'll be damn tired by the time thursday comes.
This is all because of my everlasting and annoying insomnia that only allows me 3 or 4 hours of sleep a day, sometimes less.
Yeahh, I'm crazy and it's freaking unhealthy to torture myself like that but I have no idea how to prevent the insomnia. -_-
Anyway, I mentioned that cos ms nathan was saying about how we all need to sleep at least 6 hours a day to prevent having a nervous breakdown which could be exacerbated if you're a coffee drinker/addict.
I think she should have just said "don't be like fi.". haha.
But hey, in my defense, I've been laying off the coffee cos there's no more cold nescafe in the canteen, only some crap brand which lives up to its name and tastes like crap.

I know I'm supposed to cut down on my usage of the comp which will mean no more blogging.
I'm not caring much for that cos I love blogging loads, even though it's weird to talk to myself at times.
Still, if I don't express the maelstrom of words in my mind, I will go nuts before the term is even over. nyahaha.

My sister is freaking crazy.
She's using her handphone like nobody's business and really overusing it.
She clocked 400 minutes of incoming calls for last month which amounted to a cool 350 bucks.
that's not even inclusive of the outgoing calls she makes and the messages she sends.
sial la. that's waaaayy more than what I clocked up in my whole time as a mobile phone owner.
Thank god for her, the incoming calls are free. If not, she'll probably be killed by my parents.
She's already in shitloads of trouble cos she's unlucky enough to get caught everytime her guy friend calls. -_-
And my mum keeps threatening that if she doesn't knock it off and limit herself, she's going to get my dad to call up said guy and tiu tiu tiu him so he backs off. (they've done it once to this stalker guy she had.haha)
I pity the poor guy if that ever happens to him. I remember how much haqi got scolded by my mum. But then again, the whole family feud thing probably played a huge part in that. haha.
Still, my sister is apparently waay less discreet than me.
I was actually inclined to give her tips on how to not get caught but a sadistic part of me wants to see her suffer a bit more. haha.

I suddenly thought of you on the bus home.
In a sick and twisted way, I kinda miss you.
But you're still an effing ass of course.

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