Tuesday, January 29, 2008

And my wasted heart will continue...

My aunt's been trying to reach me the whole day.
When I finally picked up, expecting some bad news or other,
she went on this whole gush about Hady Mirza's birthday bash this Saturday at Temasek Poly or something like that.
I didn't exactly have the heart to kill her enthusiasm by saying that I don't really fancy or like Hady all that much anymore and that honestly I really don't have time to go since I've got shit loads of work to do and even more shit loads of studying to get done.
(think 1000 word essays and thick stacks of lecture notes)
And the best part is, she was unstoppable for over 5 minutes.
I think she said everything in one breath and she kept repeating the fact that I have to call Ria fm and answer some questions to win free tickets.

I'm already so tired and weary of school.
I was totally out of it today.
Really too tired to even talk or interact much.
And my lit test after school was pure rubbish.
I took so long to get myself together and start timing myself to start the paper cos I was stoning too much.
I really felt like just breaking down on the spot cos it was kinda getting a bit too much.
Naddie says I should take a break off from school tomorrow but I'll just feel bad cos I'll be missing lessons and my maths test tomorrow(which I need to continue studying for).
besides, there's lit tomorrow also.
Which will mean that Ms. N's going to start tiu-ing the rest when she realises its not full attendance again.

I'm going off to get some sleep.
Hopefully I can wake up.
It seems like even the most loudest alarm clock fails to wake me up.

I hate that this is even happening at all.
It's not supposed to be this way.
And I can't help but ask myself why is this the case again,
why is it that everytime I learn to open up and trust someone, everytime I find a secure life line I'm not afraid to use, Time will slowly snatch them away?
And so now you see why I don't trust easily.

In a stark moment of realisation, it dawned on me that a small part of me still misses you.
A lot.
It still stings but the hurt is duller now.
More like an ache I can't fully cure no matter how completely and absolutely you've disappered from my mind.
I miss you.
And that wasted part of my heart will continue missing you.

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