Friday, January 25, 2008

I'm not but I need to be

It's the end of the week again.
Pretty slack week with a few ups and downs here and there.
Honestly, I've had worse.

Monday: was supposed to go off to ikea with li and naz but we ended up eating munchy donuts instead. :) and I caught a short glimpse of dilah when she came to take the book. :) I still miss you a lot you fucker ass. :(
Tuesday: went off to ikea with naz. I had total fun "planning" my future house with her and exclaiming over all the ingenious ways they plan and organise their space. I think my future house will be solely ikea decorated. -_-
Wednesday: climax of the whole week. ilham, take care please. and as for you, you know who you are, thank you for being there when I finally start to feel.
Thursday: I'm starting to really get tired of neo-pavlovian conditioning and epsilon minus semi-morons. and the TI-83 GC I bought is apparently no good for the exams. thanks. and I walked sue home again, where obviously, she had a stupid loser moment. haha.
Friday: nothing much happened. probably going on a mini Super Junior marathon later. I need to laugh.

My perspectives have changed significantly over the past few days since wednesday.
I realised for one, that I am not super girl and I'm not invincible.
I realised that I cannot make it alone, no matter how much I want to or feel that I have to.
Letting out the bottled up emotions a little bit was enlightening but ultimately painful.
I know that I need to keep doing that to stop myself from going over the edge.
But now, there's a part of me that's telling me I have to continue being a super girl simply because I cannot rely on others to keep me alive.
besides, I realised I've run out of significant life lines.

If you asked me how I got from there to here, I'd tell you I have no idea.

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