Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Super Junior :)

I was supposed to do lit today but I ended up watching
SuJu full house on youtube.
I've only managed to watch the first 4 episodes cos I kept replaying the hilarious bits.
They're so cutely adorable and damn shit freaking ass funny!
I laughed my ass off watching them all, especially heechul.
damn joker sia. haha.
I still can't decide who I like best but I think all of them are pretty cute la.
kibum has a very nice smile. cute shits. :)
and I think donghae quite hot. haha.

Muchos credits to sue for recommending that I watch it. nyahaha.
I think I need to kill her though cos she made me addicted to watching their antics.
Still, it's good. Now, I have other things to destress with other than reading books.
thanks sue!

I think the main reason why I'm interested or even bother in trying out kpop is cos I really wanted to try something new and step out of my comfort zone.
(it's one of my new year's resolution and I fulfilled it! :) haha)
and hey, I kinda like it.

And I realise now that I'm pretty flexible.
I can listen to english, I can switch to jiwang, listen to indon and now apparently, I can listen to kpop.
That is so freaking weird coming from me.
Oh well.
gtg. wanna go watch more SuJu and laugh my ass off before I start stressing tmr.

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