Friday, January 13, 2006

Epitome of Mofo-ness

Had CIP jus nw.
ws painting sum mural at dis kindergarten.
fun :)
bt omg.
i swear, art club is going down in e dumps sia.
it ws lyk dis whole unorganized mess.
M.S. [real name nt disclosed 2 protect identity n also my head. :) ] ws lyk;
"oh, u got 2 go there by public bus urself cos nvr hire bus 4 u all."
i ws lyk waaaattt?!??? take e public bus? 2 tamp?
dat will lyk take almos 2 hrs or sth.
n 2 mention dat dere'll b lyk a whole sea of green on e bus wat wif soooo many of us going 2 b gd samaritans.
aniwei, got over e public bus ting. i mean, its ok ryt.
its jus 4 of us ryt [cos e other 20 or so ppl left us behind.]
so of course e next logical qns wld be wat bus 2 take. so we asked.
M.S. : "uh, go tampines ryt? [wait, arent u supposed 2 noe dat???] so take dat bus 31. n den take uh, wat bus ah?? uh, 28." yeah, 31 den 28. y do i haf a feeling its e wrong bus num?
nini[5 mins after M.S. left] : "28 nvr pass by dere!"
i ws lyk WTF??
n M.S. left us lyk grappling 4 a foothold n gg lyk huh??
aniwaez, me, nikki, nrl,shrtl n nini went 2 get a cab.
stopped 2 bloody cabs [hu refused 2 take us cos dere were 5 of us] b4 we realised dat we cld take 2 cabs cos nini's nt gg 2 e same place
*slaps forehead*
tsk tsk. silly.
so yeah. got dere. painted n all dat shyt.
den, we went home.
i gt totally confused wif e way out n all.
made us all cross e road b4 nikki pointed out dat we're on e wrong side.
so we had 2 cross again.
den e bus came at e bustop so we ran[sort of] 4 it.
got on 28.
den i realised its nt going e way its supposed 2 go!
so we had 2 go down, cross e road n wait 4 another bus.
n den nrl realised dat she cld haf taken a bus home frm where we originally alighted. bodoh. nw den realise.
so yea..
dats pretty much how we all screwed up our journey home.
oh n, i missed my stop n ended up in e library. :)
nw, dis whole episode is wat i call the epitome of MOFO-ness. mira 4 dat word. nw i use it. gd word. :)
eh, wait. or mayb its jus fri e 13th. *insert scary music here*
i'm out.

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