Friday, January 13, 2006

Unopened letter to the world

It's been raining all week.
sumhow, its nt 2dae.
i like it wen it rains.
i'll jus stone n stare out e window n watch e rivulets of water down e window pane.
so pure. cleansing.
like they're cleaning out my soul.
yesterday was krap again.
seems like its gonna b a krappy week straight thru.
luckily nikki picked up e fone.
if she hadn't...
i'd rather nt entertain dat thot.
thanks babe.
owe u 1.
I fall asleep with my friends around me
only place i know. i feel safe.
i'm gonna call this home.
Damn, im suppsoed 2 go study hist.
I noe u've always been there 4 me. wen im down, sad, hurt. ur dere. u've helped me a lot. n i suppose i'll thank u 4 dat. Bt i'm looking 4 a nice way to say "i'm out". I want out. I'm nt going 2 let u control my life anymore. it hurts 2 much. n i noe ur still haunting me. ur still in my thots bt jus noe dis, i'll let u go. soon. n wen i do, im gonna b sure u won't ever pull me back in2 ur suffocating grasp. i'll promise u dat.
k, i'm going off 2 mugg nw.
toodles loves.

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